Sarákkhás tears er en soloforestilling for barn og ungdom av og med Stina Therese Lorås.

Danseforestillingen Sarákkhás tears handler om den samiske jenta Kristina som er i ferd med å vokse opp og bli en kvinne. Hun bor alene med sin far, som tilbringer mesteparten av tiden på havet. Etterhvert som dagene blir mørkere og solen forsvinner begynner hun å frykte for sin fars liv. Hun må i tillegg møte utfordringer som kastes på henne av både menn og mytiske monstre. Hun finner støtte i de unge kvinners gudinne, som også er gudinnen over ilden; Sarákkhá.

Forestillingen har premiere og spilles under Coastal First Nations Dance Festival i Vancouver, Canada, 1. og 3. mars 2018.

Om Stina Therese Lorås

Stina Therese Lorås is a postmodernistic dancer, performer, playwright and theatre director from Trondheim, Norway. She explores relational, visual and multi-aesthetic expressions, often combined with, or with the purpose of highlighting traditional expressions and culture.

Lorås is educated as a dancer from the Ballet Academy in Gothenburg, she has a theatre BA from NTNU and an MA from the University of Agder.

The recent years Lorås has done extent artistic work and research around her own Sami inheritance. Through several dance and theatre performances she has questioned the forced assimilation, the shame and the loss of language, culture and religion that the coastal Sami people have suffered through the last centuries. Through her artistic practice she wants to rebuild the pride and history that belongs to the coastal Sami.

Lorås´ works has been performed on stages and festivals across the world. Her latest performance “Heritage” toured in Bangladesh autumn 2017, and is still touring in Norway.